Future Structure Decks Yugioh

  1. Future Structure Decks Yugioh 2017
  2. Future Structure Decks Yugioh Characters
  3. Yugioh Future Structure Decks
  4. Future Structure Decks Yugioh List
  5. New Structure Decks Yugioh
  6. All Structure Decks Yugioh
  7. Yugioh Structure Decks List

It is the 48th Deck in the TCG's Structure Deck series, following Structure Deck: Shaddoll Showdown. Help support Yugipedia by using our Chrome extension, which redirects links to the old Wikia/Fandom site to Yugipedia, ensuring you see the most up-to-date information. Structure Deck: Mechanized Madness is a Structure Deck in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game. It is the 48th Deck in the TCG's Structure Deck series, following Structure Deck: Shaddoll Showdown. Product - YuGiOh Structure Deck: Fury from the Deep Levia-Dragon - Daedalus SD4-EN010 Product Image. Product Title YuGiOh Structure Deck: Fury from the Deep Levia-Dragon - Daedalus.

Sup guys! I’m Luca, your Dark World Dealer. So anyone who’s been playing the game for awhile now are very familiar with the many products Konami throws at us, with one of the most popular being Structure Decks. Structure Decks are, in theory, pre-constructed decks that you can objectively buy three of and put them together and you’ll have a tournament-ready deck. Now some of these, and especially more so in recent years, definitely fit into this category. This is because unlike Starter Decks which are kinda just there, Structure Decks are designed like actual decks; there’s a clear win condition and the deck is tricked out with all these techs that are meant work with said win condition or give Konami an excuse to reprint cards. Anywho, we’ve received 40 Structure Decks over the past 13 years, and with the upcoming Lair of Darkness Structure Deck I thought it’d be fun to look at them and rank the best of the best. So here is my list of the top 10 Structure Decks of all time.

Before we start, I’m gonna establish a few rules:

1) I’m basing this list strictly on the decks in the context of the time they were released, meaning sets that came out around the same time as said deck and works with the deck in a way that improves it. So Realm of Light doesn’t shoot up the list because of Minerva since she came out like years after. Just to be on the safe side, let’s say with six months before or after the deck.

2) A Structure Deck will also rank better if they follow the whole “buy three and play” thing. The better the deck is without other help, the better it will do

3) All of these are based on my opinions, experiences, and my research on the game, so don’t get mad if you don’t agree with me. Or do, I don’t really care honestly.

Anyways, let’s get to it!

Number 10: Structure Deck: Seto Kaiba

Yeah so remember Rule 3? Please remember this especially for this one. Before you guys run to the comments to tell me off, think about it. Besides the ABC stuff, what really came in this deck? Most of the other decks on this list you can arguably make the case gave us other good cards and reprints that help elevate them above this one. The Kaiba deck makes it on the list because it gave us ABC which has managed to worm its way back into the meta, but the rest of the Structure Deck is seriously garbage.

You had to incorporate a bunch of other things like Pot of Desires, Twin Twisters, and the Solemns, all of which were pretty pricy back then, contradicting the idea of Structure Decks being budget-friendly. So yeah it clocks in at the bottom of the list.

Number 9: Wave of Light

We’ve really come a long way haven’t we? What started as a really trolly but not fully realized concept turned into an actually fairly strong deck. Wave of Light gave us a full deck centered around Counter Fairies, giving us both new support as well as strong reprints which when combined make the idea of abusing Counter Traps actually viable. Counter Fairies are a legit, powerful control deck that is supported by a strong Trap line-up and the recent unbanning of Solemn Judgment. I didn’t put it higher on the list because in the context of the time it came out, while it may do good at a locals or even a regionals, I feel like the game is at a point where they need to go first to really do much of anything. It also doesn’t help that Paleo basically does what they do, but better.

Future structure decks yugioh list

Number 8: Machina Mayhem

Future Structure Decks Yugioh 2017

We can’t have a list about the best Structure Decks in the game without talking about Machina Mayhem. Released in February 2010, Machina Mayhem is widely regarded as the first competitively viable Structure Deck. Not only did it introduce the Machinas, which were actually very powerful, but it also contained reprints of the Gadgets and Cyber Dragon.

Future Structure Decks Yugioh Characters

The Machina part of the deck was really cool because Machina was actually a pretty powerful boss monster in his day, and this combined with the fact the Gadgets were able to keep cycling through themselves meant you could almost constantly keep bringing Fortress back. It also doesn’t hurt that Ultimate Offering was at 2 at the time, which when combined with the Gadgets set up some really nasty Synchro plays. All around a good deck, the reason it’s not higher though is because it hasn’t stood the test of time like the other picks on this list.

Number 7: Realm of Light

Ugh I struggled between this one and the next one on the list, but ultimately I put in the context of their respective time periods and so Realm of Light gets put at 7. Realm of Light you all may know was the Lightsworn deck. It was actually pretty good, giving us Raiden, Hand if the Lightsworn, and Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn, the former of which is still a staple in really any mill deck to this day.

So why isn’t Realm of Light higher? Well, Realm of Light didn’t have as huge an impact as the next five decks on the list. Lightsworns had already established themselves as a meta-relevant deck, both tier 1 and rogue. The Structure deck didn’t really change that. “But Luca what about Lightsworn R-”

Yes, Lightsworn Rulers were a thing. But three things: 1, Dragon Rulers were out for over a year and could be splashed into anything. 2, Lightsworn Rulers were a thing for about two months before Realm of Light was released. And 3, Lightsworn Rulers were quickly crept out within just a few months by Duelist Alliance then the banning of the Dragon Rulers. So yeah, as much as I love Realm of Light, it like the next pick just missed the top 5.

Number 6: Gates of the Underworld

Wait wait wait! Before you scream at me for putting Dark Worlds above Lightsworns, hear me out. Gates of the Underworld was the Dark World Structure Deck, giving us five new cards, including their searcher Snoww, their own Field Spell, and their boss monster, Grapha.

All of these combined with the onset of Xyz Summoning allowed Dark Worlds to evolve from the slow Tribute Summon deck it was in earlier years into a real powerhouse. The deck became a solid rogue tier contender for several years to come thanks to their access to the powerful Virus Traps, the Rank 8 Xyz pool, and a recurring 3K beater in the form of Grapha. The deck could also easily main 3 Skill Drain that locked down the opponent while not impeding their strategies much. The Dark World player in me wants to rank this higher, but the other five decks on this list greatly outclass it so it just misses the top 5.

Number 5: Pendulum Domination

Kicking off the top 5 we have Pendulum Domination, the D/D/D deck that got delayed then came out but then got crept out like 2 weeks later by Zoo so everyone forgot about it and then Links came out and everyone REALLY forgot about it. Now don’t get me wrong, the Structure Deck is great and D/D/D are still a decent deck, especially with access to things like Masterking Archfiend and Heavymetalfoes Electrumite.

Yugioh Future Structure Decks

However, a huge issue with the deck, especially in the context of this list, is that it sorta has the same issue as the ABC Structure Deck, in that to play the deck at its best you had to shill out a crapload more money on things like Crystal Wing and Pot of Desires, neither of which were reprinted at the time. And that made the deck much less available to players. Again, it’s a great Structure Deck and it is definitely much more affordable now, but considering the time of when it was released as well as in comparison to the other decks in the top 5 I’m putting this at number 5.

Download virtual dj samples mp3. Number 4: Dragons Collide

The Chaos Dragon Structure Deck, Dragons Collide came through with a ton of awesome support for Dragons. Not only did it give us Lightpulsar and Darkflare Dragon, but it also gave us our only printing of Chaos Zone as well as reprints for Lightsworn support like Ryko and Charge of the Light Brigade.

But what really made the deck hit its height was the ability to combine with Lightsworns and other Chaos support as well as the incredibly powerful Future Fusion/F.G.D. combo to help fill the graveyard. It also doesn’t hurt that Hieratics came out just a few months later and anyone who remembers Hieratics back then knows that they were a force to be reckoned with. I put this in the top 5 because compared to the previous choices, Dragons Collide had a huge and unprecedented impact on the meta during their time and honestly I’d love to see Chaos Dragons make a comeback today in the meta.

Number 3: Emperor of Darkness

Much like Realm of Light and Gates of the Underworld, I struggled between this and the next two. They definitely deserve to be the top 3, I just couldn’t decide for a long time how to order them and that’s part of the reason this list took so long to be honest. But ultimately, I’m putting the Monarch Structure Deck at number 3.

Now don’t get me wrong, the Monarch Structure Deck was extremely powerful, with both Domain Monarchs and Extra Deck Monarchs being extremely popular for a long time following its release. Not only did we get the Squires which served as a one card Tribute Summon, but we also got The Prime Monarch that could allow the deck to extend a game for more turns, a consistency booster in the form of Pantheism of the Monarchs, and two powerful boss monsters in the form of Erebus and Ehther. They also have access to floodgates like Domain and The Monarchs Erupt. Monarchs are scary powerful, and even today the deck is fairly decent besides being prone to bricking, hence why I put them in the top 3.

Future Structure Decks Yugioh List

Number 2: Dinosmasher’s Fury

New Structure Decks Yugioh

I’m sure when Konami advertised Structure Decks as being Tournament ready, they meant you could go to a locals or even a regionals and do decent. I don’t think they meant something you could top a YCS or, I dunno, WIN FUCKING WORLDS WITH. Like, how do you design a structure deck that, with just a bit of tinkering, actually can win Worlds.

This Structure Deck gaves Dinos a beast of a boss monster, a Stratos/Armageddon Knight rolled into one, and when combined with the True Kings or Shaddolls a deck that is just busted for no fucking reason. Like, I genuinely don’t understand how this deck became as good as it was, and in the months to come it seemed to only get better. And what really irks me is that it was released next to the Ancient Gear Structure Deck which meant that that got overshadowed and it just made me extra salty. I hate this deck with a passion, but I can’t deny it’s extremely powerful and deserves 2nd place.

Honorable mention goes out to the Lair of Darkness Structure Deck.

I recognize this deck is fairly powerful, however, I don’t anticipate it having that as big an impact as people are hyping it up to have. Furthermore, unlike a lot of the other picks on this list, the deck can’t really function great by itself, you usually have to combine it with something else like Infernoid to get a strong deck, and as I said before decks on this list are ranked in part based heavily on how well they perform with just three copies of the deck. So on to Number 1!

1. Master of Pendulum

All Structure Decks Yugioh

Yeah forget about a Structure Deck that won Worlds. Let’s talk about a Structure Deck that made a deck relevant for almost three years. Like holy shit this deck was the tits and still is honestly. Master of Pendulum had a lot of powerful cards like Wisdom-Eye and Oafdragon Magician which are still staples in Pen Magicians today. This was also the deck that introduced Performapal Skullcrobat Joker and Pendulum Call.

Combine this with the Performages from Clash of Rebellions and other powerful Pendulum Support from Dimension of Chaos and Breakers of Shadows and you have a recipe for a powerhouse. PePe was a Tier 0 deck, and even after its nerf you had Dracopals, Odd-Eyes Magicians, modern Pen Magicians. Pendulums were in a rough spot for a long time before this Structure Deck and after it reached a league of its own, and for this reason it deserves the spot as the number 1 Structure Deck.

Yugioh Structure Decks List

Alright guys that’s gonna wrap this up but what do you guys think? Do you agree with this list or do you have other suggestions? Let me know your thoughts in the comments and be sure to give me a like and a follow for more awesome content. Peace!